Subsidized High Quality Preschool

Apply Today
Apply to the SAECC waitlist by completing the online application, processing the $150.00 fee, and indicating your interest in the program.
Upon receiving an enrollment offer into our full tuition program, a non-refundable deposit must be paid to secure your child's slot. The deposit will go towards your child's supplemental fee (see below).
Submission of all enrollment and verification documents.
Meetings will be scheduled for program orientation and an opportunity to meet your child's teachers.
Students currently enrolled at SAECC have priority in the PKEEP program. The enrollment process is the same as being admitted into the full tuition option. You may find this information by clicking here. There is no additional application that needs to be completed.
Children ages 3 to 5 gain necessary skills to ensure school readiness.
Eligibility Requirements
Please be sure your child meets the following requirements by your desired start date:
OSSE Age Requirements
Students must have turned 3 years of age and no older than 5 by September 30th of the program year for which you apply.
OSSE Residency Requirements
The enrolling person must be a DC resident that physically resides in the district.
The enrolling person must be one of the following to enroll a student: parent, guardian, custodian, primary caregiver, or adult student.
Verification Forms include the following: a) DC Residency Verification Form and supporting documentation; b) Other Primary Caregiver Form, if applicable; C) Sworn Statement of Residency, if applicable; Home Visit Consent and Verification Form
Enrollment for PKEEP ends October 1st of each school year!

We take their confidence to the next level with hands-on education.

Additional Fees
St. Albans Early Childhood Center participates in the District’s Office of the State Superintendent of Education’s (OSSE) Pre-K Enhancement and Expansion Funding Program. This grant provides free Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4 to eligible families for the hours of 8:30a to 3:00p, Monday through Friday.
Included are two meals and a snack per day, field trips, and enrichment programs (MyGym, STEAM, and Spanish). Before- and after-care, attendance during scheduled DCPS closures, and summer camp are available at an additional annual cost.